- NBA Fit 5K Run. 21st over-all. 4th in age group. 18m10s.
- 2010 Run To The Top, Mount Baldy. 78th over-all. 13th in age group. 1h34m57s
- 2010 Playa Del Rey Sprint Triathlon 176th over-all. 30th in age group. 28m02 SWIM. 43m21s BIKE. 20m46s RUN. 1h38m17s
- Playa Del Rey 5K. 4th in age group. 20m15s
- Manhattan Beach 10K. 94th over-all. 20th in age group. 41m09s.
- Run To The Top, Mount Baldy. 80th over-all. 12th in age group. 1h38m2s